I travel alot. This was a major issue in trying to manage and maintain my weight. With time differences, flights schedules, meetings over meals, and eating on the run it was near impossible to feel I had any control over what went in my mouth. Well if my year of weight loss was going to work I had to take back the control.
How many times have you eaten the food provided by the airline, just because it was given to you, because you think you paid for it or because you had nothing else to do? Did you have much choice about what you were eating? If you have access to an airline lounge in transit, there is the additional responsibility to eat up all those treats because after all they are free!!
Wrong, wrong, wrong. After each trip where I ate mindlessly, I could see the scales shoot up a few kilos and I would have to work harder when i got home to shed those kilos again. So it was time for a culture shift on my travels.
Firstly I stopped eating airline food, especially I short flights. Its not as easy as it sounds - the flight attendants, and other passengers want to insist you take it. One airline always follows up by asking but don't you want tea or coffee? The answer is a flat NO. Always NO. Once you agree to the tea and coffee you get the whole meal tray anyway.
Secondly, eat a healthy meal at home before you leave for the airport. This will fill you with food you have control over, and won't mean you are hunry when you arrive at the airport. So there is less of temptation to eat at a fast food place, a airport lounge or in flight.
Thirdly pack healthy snacks - nuts, dried fruit, museli bars, dark chocolate, even a healthy sandwich if its a longer flight. With your own food on board you know you have access to things within your diet range, and you can eat when you are really hungry again, not on the timetable of the airline.
Fourthly pack your Ipod, CD player or plug into the airline sound system. In other words distract yourself while everyone else is eating. Enjoy the fact that you are doing your own thing on a flight where you more often feel like herded cattle. Get an aisle seat and use the toilet while everyone else is eating (no meal tray to black you in). Or get a window seat, lay against the wall and have a nap.
Fifthly tell the flight attendent up front that you have no intention to eat, as you would prefer to sleep, so you apprecaite not to be disturbed. Some airlines even provide do not disturb stickets for the top of your seat.
And my last hot tip - if you find you have to eat en route seek out the health options - drink green tea, drink lots of water, order sushi over a hamburger, eat fruit over hot dogs!
Airline food has improved over the years, but it is still mass produced and preserved to feed literally thousands of people 10, 000 miles up! Take back control when you are above the clouds!
For more tips check this article - http://www.lostgirlsworld.com/2011/03/15-tips-for-eating-healthy/